Leaders are persistent
What makes persistence one of the most important factors of being a leader?
How does persistence among leaders in statistics affect the results of their work?
How could persistence translate into understandable and actionable results for the target population?
How can a persistent leader bring high value to bringing change to the target population?
How does clear vision help leaders develop persistence in reaching their goals?
Even in the face of difficult barriers, a persistent leader does not give up. This short but rich conversation between Gary and me introduces the meaning of leadership and how persistence shapes its value. Looking into the examples of Martin Luther King and Earnest Hemingway, this podcast will teach you how history proves that persistence among leaders go a long way in promoting change and development across the globe.
Learn from me and Gary as they talk about persistence and how it can make leadership among statisticians more effective as they translate the results of their studies to the target population.
Here are some key lessons you can learn from this episode: