The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

Getting things done, when timelines are tight

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Everybody knows such situations: tight timelines, high expectations and many things to do!

But how can we work effectively in such situations. Many different productivity experts have written about this topic.

In this episode, I’m speaking about how to implement these approaches and also my personal learnings and challenges during a time, where I needed them.

I’m applying and discussing the following topics:

Managing expectations and communication channels
Music as a productivity booster
Make productive breaks
Setting up a effective systems
Methods against procrastinate
Managing disturbances
Setting up your body for productivity
The pomodoro method
Morning routine
Habits to get into the deep work mode
Deep Work by Cal Newport
Working from home
Some resources for productivity:

Beyond the to-do list podcast
This is your life podcast by Michael Hyatt
In German: Einfach produktiv podcast with Ivan Blatter

Why and how to invest in your leadership skills

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Leadership skills for statisticians represents a common theme across many episodes of this podcast. As leadership consists of many different aspects, it is important to learn from other statisticians, that exhibit these skills.

In this episode, we talk with Gemma and Margaret, who have run successful leadership courses within PSI. We cover the following topics:

What are the core leadership skills that statistician need to be fluent in?
What are common mindset issues, that block statisticians from being more influential?
How can statisticians overcome these blocks?
Why it’s beneficial for statisticians to have a tailored course for them?
What courses are available from PSI?

Tables are not the key deliverables!

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Are you still counting tables? Do you worry about having to many of them? Do you wonder how to get an overview across all the results?

In this episode, we will talk about this thoughts and we will explore, how tables fit into the bigger picture. 

We will also discuss alternative ways to deal with results, which will:
- save you time
- decrease the costs
- speed up the process
- and increase the quality.

If you think, this sounds like magic, listen to this podcast episode.

Why and how to present at the next PSI conference

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Do you think, you have nothing to add to a statistical conference? Are you afraid of sharing your achievements? Do you wonder, why you should put in the effort on top of your day-to-day job?

All these thoughts and questions will be addressed in this episode with Paul Terrill, the chair of the scientific committee of PSI.

Beyond the questions above, we will also talk about the logistics and practical tips on how to submit your abstract and to become a speaker at next years conference.

20 key attributes of highly successful leaders part 2

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In part 2 of this interview with Walt Offen, we cover:

Having courage to speak up in all settings
Listen carefully to others; ignore rank within the company
Instituting any new rule or policy must affect the leader equally
Grab opportunities when they come your way, even if you do not feel ready.
See the issue from other’s perspectives
Understand, appreciate, and celebrate diversity of thought, personality, skills, and beliefs
Always strive to get better and help those around you
Do not take “we’ve always done it that way” as an acceptable answer
Be a solid role model
Develop self-confidence; be able to laugh at yourself

20 key attributes of highly successful leaders part 1

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In this episode, I have the privilege to interview Walt Offen. A statistician that is about to end an amazing career over a couple of decades of working in the pharmaceutical industry.
Walt organized together, what he believes to be the 20 key attributes of highly successful leaders. They are organized in no particular order but enriched with great stories.
Of course, there is a difference between leadership and managing. Leadership is the ability to inspire others when there is no supervisory control. For a highly effective organization, everyone can and should be a leader. In part one, we cover the first 10:
Having a can-do attitude
Being able to apologize
Inspiring others to join the cause (without authority)
Share credit
Show humility
Be trustworthy and develop trust in others
Engaging everyone on the team, making them feel valued and important
Remain calm, be kind to everyone
Provide opportunities for others to shine
Putting the organization, colleagues, the company, ahead of personal goals

Vacation Episode 2018

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In this very short episode, I'm stepping back from the day-to-day business and reflect about why we go to work every day.

I have a very personal story about it, that helped me to see things very clearly and I'm sharing this in this episode.

Further, many of you will listen this during vacation time and thus, I'm also touching on the importance of taking a break.

There is no episode next week as we take a summer break as well.

Multilevel Network Meta-Regression for population-adjusted treatment comparisons

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Indirect comparisons provide evidence, when no direct clinical trials are available. However, the different approaches come with various limitations. Some more recent approaches take into account the baseline characteristics to reduce the bias in the estimates of the treatment effects.

In todays episode, I'm talking with one the worlds experts on this topic - Nicky Welton - who has published extensively in this field.

Starting from the basics of indirect comparisons we move into the most recent research in this area. These new approaches will help to  better understand treatment effects in specific populations of interest. Possible applications run from designing phase II or III studies up to re-imbursement dossiers and commercialization efforts.

About this podcast

The podcast from statisticians for statisticians to have a bigger impact at work. This podcast is set up in association with PSI - Promoting Statistical Insight. This podcast helps you to grow your leadership skills, learn about ongoing discussions in the scientific community, build you knowledge about the health sector and be more efficient at work. This podcast helps statisticians at all levels with and without management experience. It is targeted towards the health, but lots of topics will be important for the wider data scientists community.

by Alexander Schacht and Benjamin Piske, biometricians, statisticians and leaders in the pharma industry


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