The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

4 reasons why statisticians fail to lead

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Have you thought about being a leader?
Do you feel responsible or afraid of taking the lead?
Are you equipped enough to be one?

Our definition of leadership is the ability to consistently deliver value to an organization or a cause by inspiring others to take a specific direction or action when they truly have the freedom of choice to do otherwise.

Don't be a victim

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Do others not help you?
Are they making your life hard?
Is your company bad?
Does your compound suck and hinders your work productivity?

A lot of people complain about almost everything.
Statisticians tend to be more on the introvert side and there are discussions that introverts are more likely to have a victim mentality.

Non-parametric analyses - much more than just the Wilcoxon test!

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Frank has something in common with Benjamin and myself - we all studied statistics in Göttingen and learned and researched in non-parametric statistics. Afterwards, we went into different paths. Whereas Benjamin started at a CRO and I joined large pharma organizations, Frank continued on the academic track.

He recently became Professor at the famous Charitee in Berlin, where he’s still dedicating a lot of research to the field of non-parametric statistics. However, he’s not an ivory tower researcher but also applies these approaches in the medical research he’s taking part in.

Learn about a whole universe of different approaches, which will help you overcome many limitations of the methods, which you’re using daily.

Taking the pain out of subgroup analyses

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Why do you think many of these “subgroup” projects are a headache for statisticians?
Have you felt frustrations about such projects yourself?
What are the steps to avoid or at least minimize these frustrations?

Do you have the same questions in mind? These are some of the questions Necdet will be and sharing with us.

This episode is based on a presentation at PSI 2019. Necdet won The Effective Statistician Best Presenter award for the amazing delivery of the presentation. But not only the delivery was excellent - the content will help you a lot.

What matters most? A scientific advice role play on estimands

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Are you a sponsor who is seeking joint scientific advice from a regulatory agency and from an HTA body?

If yes, this episode is for you. This presentation replicates the discussions which may go on during scientific advice. The example was in Respiratory. This roleplay is played by David Wright, Oliver Keene, Stephen Ruberg, and myself. The aim is to show a couple of discussion points and an interesting aspect that may come up with such discussions.

A lively debate followed about the differing needs of Regulatory agencies vs HTA, with the patient voice often not taking centre stage.

How to become a leader in a cross-functional team

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As statisticians, we work in cross-functional teams, but many people, especially junior people prefer to follow rather than to lead - and that's okay. Ask yourself:

Do you always take the position of the follower or a leader?
Do you need to train yourself to lead?
Are you seen as an implementer?
Do you have goals for your project?

Help to make your organisation and yourself outsourcing proof

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A lot of statisticians, especially in pharmaceutical companies but also CROs, fear outsourcing because it might make their job redundant. Think about:

What can you do about it?
How can you add value to your organisation?
What would it cost to outsource your organisation?
If you would need to compete with other organisations, would you survive?

How to communicate effectively by telling data stories

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Storytelling allows businesses to better understand insight.

Data visualization is a great tool to help share, or tell a story, but relies on the story being written first. Improved data communication comes from combining good visualization with a well-written narrative.

There's a lot to learn to be a good data storyteller.

Today, I’m talking with Kat about:
- What do you understand by storytelling with data?
- Why is it important?
- Which role should statisticians play?
- What skills do statisticians need for this?
- Where to learn these skills?

How to make the collaboration between sponsor and CRO successful

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There is an endless list of things that can go wrong in sponsor-CRO relations. I’m pretty sure you have been in painful discussions about this. Have you felt a lot of frustrations on both ends?

If yes, this episode is for you. We’re sharing interesting insights here as Benjamin works for a CRO and I work for the sponsor side. We will be giving you a lot of insights on what to do and what not to do, and how to make the collaboration between a sponsor and a CRO successful.

About this podcast

The podcast from statisticians for statisticians to have a bigger impact at work. This podcast is set up in association with PSI - Promoting Statistical Insight. This podcast helps you to grow your leadership skills, learn about ongoing discussions in the scientific community, build you knowledge about the health sector and be more efficient at work. This podcast helps statisticians at all levels with and without management experience. It is targeted towards the health, but lots of topics will be important for the wider data scientists community.

by Alexander Schacht and Benjamin Piske, biometricians, statisticians and leaders in the pharma industry


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