The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

What will be the role of health economics in the future EU HTA?

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Are you a statistician working in the pharmaceutical industry and never got in touch with economic modelling and network meta-analyses? Then you should listen to this episode!

The EU HTA will not only affect all statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry with respect to skill sets and collaboration (we talked about that in podcast #3), but will also have impact on the economic modelling that is needed for the reimbursement and pricing decisions in many European countries. Understanding the influence of the joint clinical assessment on the economic modelling, the relationship between estimands and PICOs as well as the pre-specification of statistical analyses and their use in economic modelling is becoming much more important for statisticians in the near future.

In this episode, we will talk about role of economic modelling in the HTA process, and the influence of the EU HTA and the corresponding statistical analyses on that process.

Future implications of EU HTA and how Next Gen get involved

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All statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry will be impacted by the new EU HTA regulation. Activities around HTA submissions will happen earlier than currently, in parallel to the regulatory approval process for marketing authorization. There will be an increased scope of evidence for the joint clinical assessment to fulfill the needs of all EU member states, and so there will be a large package of statistical analyses that need to be provided in addition to the submission to the regulatory bodies.

This will redefine how you, as a statistician, work, and with whom you need to collaborate. Both HTA and clinical development statisticians will need to join forces to define the value story for the complete lifecycle of the drug. HTA specific analyses will need to be planned in parallel with clinical development.

In this episode, we will discuss the future skill sets that statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry need to adopt with the new EU HTA regulation being applied in 2025 already.

What is the role of estimands in the EU HTA?

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If you’re a statistician working in a regulatory setting, you’re probably familiar with estimands as a way to frame the clinical question of interest. But what’s the role of estimands beyond regulatory approval, in a Health Technology Assessment setting? That question is especially important these days where the framework for pan-European HTA is taking shape. In this episode, we’ll touch on some HTA body views around estimands, and reflect on how current draft guidelines for EU HTA do and don’t address estimands.

The first conference of The Effective Statistician

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Are you a statistician, data scientist, or healthcare specialist looking for the perfect conference to attend?

The Effective Statistician Conference 2023 is an exciting opportunity for statisticians, health care specialists, and data scientists to come together and learn from industry experts, exchange ideas, share breakthrough advancements in statistics, collaborate with peers, and stay ahead of the latest trends. This virtual event will happen on the 25th of April and the registration is FREE.

Through comprehensive talks delivered by influential and seasoned professional speakers across many disciplines – statistics across the R&D phases, process optimization, data visualisation, leadership, simulation, ... – attendees can make meaningful connections that help them become more effective problem-solvers in the ever-evolving digital age. This highly anticipated event is sure to leave everyone inspired and well-equipped with newfound knowledge ready to apply to their practices.

Let's revolutionize how statistics can drive innovation!

In this episode, I'll be discussing these points in detail:

What is EU HTA and why should statisticians care?

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As a statistician, have you ever wondered—why are statistical analyses for HTA dossiers differ from those in regulatory dossiers? Aren’t they both just benefit-risk assessments? In this podcast, we review some of the history and background of how HTA and regulatory decision making have common sources of information, but different utility functions for how they use that information. Why have we had a common European regulatory framework, but not a common HTA framework—until the near future. And what is the EU HTA Regulation? Why has it been established, what does it hope to accomplish…..and why does this matter to statisticians working in the pharmaceutical industry? This podcast is the first of a series of 4 exploring the role of statisticians and statistics in HTA analyses, and how the new European HTA Regulation that will first start being applied to medicinal products in 2025, will impact statisticians working with clinical (and non-clinical!) data to support and evaluate HTA decision making. Learn how you can get more involved in shaping the future of EU HTA as a statistician at the local and regional level.

What is the ASAP and what you should know about it

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Are you curious about aggregate safety assessment planning?

Whether you’re an experienced statistician or just starting out in the field, your work increasingly demands that you apply principles of aggregate safety assessment planning. With an ever-changing and advancing landscape filled with data and technology advancements, it is essential to stay current on this topic.

In this episode, Greg and I explore what aggregate safety assessment planning is, its components, its importance for statistically informed decisions, and how it ties into patient safety initiatives.

You will be equipped with a better understanding of the fundamentals so that your efforts can make powerful contributions in research settings and support meaningful health outcomes for patients everywhere.

Stay tuned while we discuss the following key points:

6 Problems Around Creating Data Visualisations

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Anyone can create a data visualization but not everyone can create a data visualization that is effectively communicating the data – and this is what we should aim for. Done wrong they leave the audience confused.

In this episode, I’ve gathered up six problems around creating data visualisations, so you can improve the quality of your visualisations.

Stay tuned while I talk about these 6 problems:

What You Can Expect in 2023 From Me

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A few days from today, it will be Christmas already and I am sure you are very thrilled to get ready for Christmas!

And it's almost time for another year and as the New Year brings a lot of challenges, I am excited to share with you my plans and projects for 2023 that you and I both will definitely benefit from and these events and projects will surely help you achieve more with your personal growth and especially, your career growth at the same time.

Tune in while I discuss the following exciting events and plans:

Leadership Characteristics of Exceptional Leaders

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Do you want to be a more effective statistician?
Do you have what it takes to be an effective leader in your organisation?

Many people think that strong leadership skills are something that statisticians don't have. However,  as a statistician, you definitely have a lot to offer an organization. Statisticians often have the skillset required for leadership positions as they can use their questioning and decision-making abilities to help solve issues within an organization.

In this webinar, we will discuss how statisticians are in fact very gifted with unique leadership skills that can make them more influential and successful. We identify these skills and discuss how you can leverage them to become a more influential and effective statistician.

Listen to this episode now and learn from the following points we discuss:

About this podcast

The podcast from statisticians for statisticians to have a bigger impact at work. This podcast is set up in association with PSI - Promoting Statistical Insight. This podcast helps you to grow your leadership skills, learn about ongoing discussions in the scientific community, build you knowledge about the health sector and be more efficient at work. This podcast helps statisticians at all levels with and without management experience. It is targeted towards the health, but lots of topics will be important for the wider data scientists community.

by Alexander Schacht and Benjamin Piske, biometricians, statisticians and leaders in the pharma industry


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