The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

Moving from SAS to R - Practical Tips Part 3

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Welcome to the third and last part of Moving from SAS to R where Thomas joined us again to talk about transitioning from SAS to R.

We also discuss the new SAS to R course of The Effective Statistician and you’ll learn, if this is the right course for you.

We provide a couple of learnings from the course for you to get an impression of what we cover in the course.

Click here to get to the course overview!

We also discuss the following points:

Moving from SAS to R - Practical Tips Part 2

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This episode is the second part of Moving from SAS to R with Thomas.

We also discuss the new SAS to R course of The Effective Statistician and you’ll learn, if this is the right course for you.

We provide a couple of learnings from the course for you to get an impression of what we cover in the course.

Click here to get to the course overview!

We also discuss the following points:

Moving from SAS to R - Practical Tips Part 1

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The use of R in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry has been increasing over the years, with larger companies like Roche adopting it as their primary statistical software. Others like GSK, NovoNordisk, and Merck make heavy investments into it. 

In this episode, Thomas Neitmann discusses various lessons from his career within pharma and the role R played in it. He provides insights into how to start with R and what are key differences to SAS.

We also discuss the new SAS to R course of The Effective Statistician and you'll learn, if this is the right course for you.

We provide a couple of learnings from the course for you to get an impression of what we cover in the course.

Click here to get to the course overview!

We also discuss the following points:

The 15% Threshold in Germany and Why You Should Care

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The healthcare industry is constantly developing, and with it come new regulations and guidelines that businesses must adhere to. One regulation that has recently been set in Germany is the 15% threshold for relevant improvement for some endpoints used in clinical trials. Many have critiqued this threshold. It's important for all statisticians (not only for the market access experts) to understand what it is and how it can affect drug approval. In this episode, we'll dive deep into the 15% threshold and why it's essential for statisticians beyond the market access experts to be knowledgeable about it.

We specifically discuss the following important points:

What Young Statisticians and Likely Others Expect from Their Management

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The field of statistics is constantly growing and evolving, and with it, the expectations of young statisticians towards their management are also changing. Trust, accountability, and transparency are crucial elements in building a successful team, and they are especially important for young statisticians who are starting in their careers.

In this episode, Evanthia, Arina, and I discuss the importance of trust and exposure in career development as well as the expectations of young statisticians.

We also examine the recent EFSPI Statistical Leaders Meeting and their discussions on trust, vision, and exposure.

Stay tuned as we also discuss the following points:

Plan B - Preparing for Getting Laid Off

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Losing a job is never an easy experience. It can be especially challenging when it happens unexpectedly. Unfortunately, layoffs are a reality for many people in any stage of their career. Even if an individual has been working at the same company for years, they are surely not be immune to layoff decisions. That's why it's crucial to prepare in advance and build a safety net for job security.

In this episode, I discuss some tips on creating a Plan B strategy that can help you to stay employable.

 Here are some points and strategies:

Behind the scenes of The Effective Statistician

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Podcasts have become a popular form of media for sharing information, telling stories, and building an audience. But have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of creating a successful podcast?

Today, I have the pleasure of sitting down with Reine Escalona and Kacey Tunac, the podcast production and management team called VVS, who works alongside this successful podcast - The Effective Statistician.

As you already know, I started this podcast six years ago and have recorded over 300 episodes with the help of  VVS. The podcast has seen steady growth, now with 14,000+ subscribers and over 200,000 downloads. I achieved this growth through the use of effective marketing strategies, consistent content creation, and excellent audience engagement. And of course with my outstanding team at VVS.

In this episode, we explore the tools, skills, and strategies needed to start a podcast and grow its audience from the ground up.

We also discuss in detail the following points:

Myths About Leadership You Shouldn't Believe

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You have to be extroverted to be a leader. 

Only if you have employees are you a leader.

Either you have it or you don't. Leaders have a natural gift, you can't learn it.

Those are three typical myths about leaders. In today's episode, I talk with Gary about these three false beliefs. We point out why they're false and give some counterexamples.

We also discuss why they limit your development and make you a victim, so to speak.

As statisticians, we are often introverted. We can use this to our advantage. We can take leadership, in our cross functional teams. And we can learn these leadership skills as well.

All good leaders are always learning.

Listen to the latest episode and share it with your colleagues.

Three Things to Learn About Yourself That Will Make a Huge Difference

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Personal growth is an integral part of every individual’s life. It is a continuous process of self-improvement, learning, and self-discovery. As a statistician or statistician enthusiast, you should always be on a quest for personal and professional development. The journey towards growth is unique, and understanding yourself is a critical step towards achieving your potential.

In this 300th episode, I discuss the three things about yourself that could make a significant difference in your career and personal development. While many self-help resources exist, this episode provides practical insights into understanding yourself better.

I talk about the three important things you need to develop to achieve personal and professional growth:

About this podcast

The podcast from statisticians for statisticians to have a bigger impact at work. This podcast is set up in association with PSI - Promoting Statistical Insight. This podcast helps you to grow your leadership skills, learn about ongoing discussions in the scientific community, build you knowledge about the health sector and be more efficient at work. This podcast helps statisticians at all levels with and without management experience. It is targeted towards the health, but lots of topics will be important for the wider data scientists community.

by Alexander Schacht and Benjamin Piske, biometricians, statisticians and leaders in the pharma industry


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