The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI
We may use movements and transformations as an add-on to the design.
However, this type of implementations can be more important than that.
Motion in visualizations is not a grat...
We all want to be happy and satisfied at work and get some recognition. Yet, work is often a struggle, a troll.
What can we do to be happier at work?
How to work in a dynamic envir...
How can you determine what control strategy to use for a manufacturing process?
What can you learn from this even if you are not working with manufacturing?
A control strategy for ...
Never Split the Difference written by Chris Voss, who was a former international hostage negotiator for the FBI offers a new field-tested approach to high-stakes negotiations—whether i...
What are the 5 levels of statistician leadership?
How you can develop your leadership skills over time?
Leadership is multidimensional. It depends on lots of different skills like ...
In this episode, we talk about non-clinical research and development and how statisticians contribute to these efforts. Join us while we talk about the following important phases of R&D.
What is non-clinical pharmaceutical statistics?
Data visualization is at the heart of what we are doing (or should be doing) as statisticians. It moved from being a side topic a couple of years ago into a central part of the PSI conference in...
Let's welcome Sam Gardner as our new co-host for our podcast show!
Everybody talks about AI, but where are the actual use cases? In the episode today, I'm talking with Dooti Roy about AiCure.
AiCure uses an easy-to-use, proprietary AI platform to direct...