The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI
Are you struggling with your presentations?
How does storytelling increase the interest of your listeners?
How does audience relatability help in improving the way you are able to co...
Does Multi-tasking help or harm you?
How could you handle the desire to multitask more effectively?
What fallacies about multitasking does the world currently believe?
Are ther...
In this last part of the leadership series with Gary Sullivan, we talk about the next steps, you can take to work on your leadership skills.
We cover the following areas:
- Books...
Indirect comparisons and network-meta analyses play a rising role in our world.
A pubmed search provides 240 hits for the term network meta-analysis in 2011. This increased to 3223 in t...
In this second part of the interview with Gary, we speak about the building blocks of leadership without authority from a statistician’s perspective. We cover questions like:
Is influenc...
How does information technology help reduce the statistical margin of mistakes?
How does leadership come into play when creating programs designed to effectively manage statistical data?
What makes persistence one of the most important factors of being a leader?
How does persistence among leaders in statistics affect the results of their work?
How could persistence t...
The Leadership program is now open and in this bonus episode, we go into some key questions about statisticians and leadership that may help you decide on your next steps.
Here are the f...
How do real-world data variables change the overall value of a clinical study?
How does clinical study make it to the implementation stage and how is this strengthened through the use of R...
Getting things done through others is a key part or even the definition of leadership and her clients face often the same situation as statisticians. They need to convince people rather than com...