The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

What is Strategy

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  1. The pitfalls of bad strategy
  2. The elements of a good strategy
    • Clear Diagnosis
    • Guiding Principles
    • Tactical Plan
  3. Strategic insights beyond the battlefield
  4. Looking forward to strategic growth

In a world where strategy is often misunderstood, this episode serves as a valuable resource for unraveling the true essence of strategy. Empowered by insights from historical examples and a comprehensive approach, you can develop and implement effective strategies in their professional and personal journeys.

For those seeking a deeper dive into the realm of strategy, an upcoming workshop in Frankfurt offers an opportunity to establish personal strategies for success.

Click this for more details about the Strategy Workshop

As I look forward to providing more content in the coming year, you can anticipate a wealth of insights and guidance to navigate the strategic landscape.

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About this podcast

The podcast from statisticians for statisticians to have a bigger impact at work. This podcast is set up in association with PSI - Promoting Statistical Insight. This podcast helps you to grow your leadership skills, learn about ongoing discussions in the scientific community, build you knowledge about the health sector and be more efficient at work. This podcast helps statisticians at all levels with and without management experience. It is targeted towards the health, but lots of topics will be important for the wider data scientists community.

by Alexander Schacht and Benjamin Piske, biometricians, statisticians and leaders in the pharma industry


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