The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

The Effective Statistician - in association with PSI

Introduction to Personalized Medicine Part 2

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In this episode, Thomas Debray and I dive back into the intriguing world of personalized medicine.

We explore the advancements, and hurdles in customizing patient care.

Have you ever wondered what makes developing personalized treatment strategies so challenging, especially when traditional studies may not always provide clear answers for individual patients?

Why are crossover trials unique, yet not entirely suited for generalizing results to new patients?

And how does the standard phase three study design fall short in the quest for personalization?

Join us as we navigate these complex questions, shedding light on the opportunities and obstacles that lie ahead in making personalized medicine a reality for all.

We also dive into these following key points:

Two Types of Leadership and How They Relate to Each Other

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In this episode, I dive into a topic that's often muddled in misconceptions: leadership.

You see, when we talk about leadership, there's usually a default image that comes to mind - the one tied to titles, hierarchies, and organizational authority.

But here's the thing: there's more than meets the eye. In fact, there are two distinct types of leadership at play, each with its own set of dynamics and implications.

So, buckle up as we embark on a journey to dissect these two facets of leadership: assigned and emergent.

We'll explore where their powers originate, how they shape decision-making, and most importantly, how you can harness them to amplify your influence and effectiveness within your statistical domain.

So, let's roll up our sleeves and delve into the fascinating world of leadership nuances while I talk about the following key points:

How To Leverage Data Beyond Medical Data?

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In this episode, Selena and I embark on an enlightening journey through the complexities of data management and strategy implementation.

We delve into the crucial role of translating data insights into actionable strategies for small to medium-sized businesses, emphasizing the significance of reaching the right audience and driving meaningful outcomes.

Selena's expertise shines as she shares her innovative approach to data strategy, meticulously crafting plans tailored to organizations' unique goals and maturity levels. From navigating data overload to empowering leaders with clarity, Selena's insights offer invaluable guidance for harnessing the transformative power of strategic data utilization.

Additionally, we explore Selena's passion project, the "Make Data Talk" podcast, where she aims to demystify data and foster confidence among leaders navigating its complexities.

Our conversation extends beyond borders, here are some of the key points:

Typical Challenges in Outsourcing and How to Overcome Them

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Everyone is outsourcing all the time and it surely comes with challenges and opportunities.

If you struggle - either on being on the sponsor or the CRO side - you're not alone.

Join me, alongside Benjamin, as we discuss the complexities of outsourcing in our field. As statisticians and data analysts, why do we turn to outsourcing in the first place?

What strategies can we employ to overcome the hurdles associated with it?

Together, we'll explore these questions and more, offering practical insights and solutions to enhance your outsourcing endeavors or to work more effectively with sponsors.

So, grab your headphones and join us on this enlightening journey into the realm of statistical outsourcing while we tackle the following key points:

Where's Motivation Coming From? For You And Your Colleagues

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In this episode, I dive into the intricacies of motivation, examining its sources and implications for individuals and teams alike.

Throughout this discussion, I explore the three fundamental pillars of motivation:


Drawing from my experiences and insights, I unravel the complex dynamics at play and offer practical strategies for enhancing motivation in the workplace.

From aligning tasks with a greater purpose to empowering individuals with autonomy and opportunities for skill development, I share actionable tips to foster a culture of motivation and productivity.

Here are some of the key points:

What Should You Expect When Outsourcing NMAs?

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In this discussion led by Thomas Debray, various challenges and considerations regarding the conduct of network meta-analysis (NMA) were thoroughly examined. NMA, a statistical technique used in evidence synthesis to compare multiple treatments simultaneously, presents a range of complexities. 

How do these complexities manifest, particularly in the context of regulatory interactions and methodological variations?
How can stakeholders effectively navigate these evolving requirements while maintaining methodological rigor?
What strategies can be employed to streamline documentation and enhance risk management throughout the NMA process
How can stakeholders address these technical challenges to ensure the reliability and validity of NMA results?
What criteria should stakeholders prioritize when selecting service providers, and how can they ensure effective collaboration and resource utilization
How can stakeholders facilitate effective knowledge exchange and collaboration with service providers to optimize NMA outcomes? 

In this engaging conversation, we explore the multifaceted landscape of NMA, delving into its methodological nuances, regulatory implications, and strategic considerations for stakeholders.

Join us as we navigate the dynamic terrain of NMA methodologies, uncovering the keys to successful regulatory interactions, risk management, and effective collaboration with service providers.

Through thoughtful analysis and practical insights, we aim to equip statisticians and researchers with the knowledge and strategies needed to tackle the challenges of NMA with confidence and proficiency.

Here are the key points we discuss:

Why you sometimes need to put your marketing hat on

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In this episode, I am diving into a topic that might seem a bit unexpected for us number crunchers: marketing.

Yes, you heard it right! But before you hit that pause button, let me tell you why sometimes, you need to put your marketing hat on.

As the great Seth Godin once said, “Don’t find customers for your product; find products for your customers.” It’s all about understanding your audience and delivering what they need, not just pushing your agenda. So, why should we, as statisticians, consider marketing an important part of our job? Well, think about it this way: we could have the most groundbreaking statistical methods at our disposal, but if we can’t communicate their value to others, what good are they?

Marketing helps bridge that gap between complex data and real-world impact.

Who are your competitors?

How do we define them, and why does it matter? Knowing who else is out there doing similar work not only keeps us on our toes but also presents opportunities for collaboration and differentiation. It’s all part of the game of staying relevant and valuable in our field.

What is marketing differentiation?

Being different and unique is key in today’s progressive form of marketing. It’s not about shouting the loudest; it’s about standing out in a meaningful way. Showcasing what sets you apart can attract the right kind of attention and build stronger connections with your audience.

The Effective Statistician Academy: Call For Trainers!

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I am opening doors to expanding the Effective Statistician Academy’s community of experts and I hope you can be part of this journey. The virtual world has certainly opened the doors to learning on a wide-open scale. Unlike before, learning is now easier and more convenient to achieve.

Right now, to make the Effective Statistician Academy’s goals come to a reality, I am calling out to get trainers who have the right skills and the right attitude towards providing help for everyone who wants to do more in healthcare statistics.

Are you ready to teach, to lead, and to make a difference? Then I want YOU.

I have a team who will provide you all the support that you need so you can concentrate on what you are best at, and that’s teaching your skills and your experience with the next generation of statisticians following your lead.

I want every learning experience at the Effective Statistician to be interactive and fun.

Because I believe that in statistics, there is more than just about the numbers. With our team, we will make sure that your teaching experience with us is something that will be remarkable not only for you but for your learners as well.

I am more about the experience and the actual application of what our trainees get from each course. So, if you are a trainer who is ready to make a difference by reaching out to the community of enthusiasts of statistics, we can surely work well together.

What can you get from being a part of The Effective Statistician Academy team?

You're not paid for your performance. But for your perceived value!

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In this latest episode, we delve into a crucial aspect of professional success that often goes overlooked: understanding and leveraging your perceived value.
In today's competitive landscape, it's not just about delivering results; it's about ensuring that your stakeholders recognize the value you bring to the table.
Let's explore how you can master this art and elevate your career to new heights. Here are some questions I discussed during this episode:
Who are your stakeholders?
Before diving into strategies for enhancing your perceived value, it's essential to identify your stakeholders. These are the individuals or groups who have a vested interest in your work and its outcomes. They could be your managers, clients, colleagues, or even regulatory bodies. Understanding their needs, expectations, and priorities is the first step towards demonstrating your value effectively.
How do you create value for yourself through knowing your stakeholders?
Knowing your stakeholders enables you to tailor your efforts to meet their specific requirements. By aligning your work with their goals and priorities, you not only enhance your relevance but also position yourself as a valuable asset. Whether it's providing insightful analyses, delivering timely solutions, or offering strategic guidance, catering to your stakeholders' needs is key to creating value for yourself.
How do you discover the problems and why should you create the solutions?
Proactively identifying problems and offering solutions is another crucial aspect of increasing your perceived value. Instead of waiting for issues to arise, take a proactive approach to problem-solving. By anticipating challenges and offering innovative solutions, you demonstrate initiative, resourcefulness, and leadership qualities—all of which contribute to your perceived value.

Introduction To Personalized Medicine Part 1: Exploring the Future of Healthcare

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Welcome back to the Effective Statistician Podcast!

In this episode, Thomas and I explore the fascinating realm of personalized medicine, a field
poised to revolutionize the way we approach healthcare. Joining us today is Thomas Debray, a
seasoned expert in precision medicine, whose insights promise to shed light on this innovative

About this podcast

The podcast from statisticians for statisticians to have a bigger impact at work. This podcast is set up in association with PSI - Promoting Statistical Insight. This podcast helps you to grow your leadership skills, learn about ongoing discussions in the scientific community, build you knowledge about the health sector and be more efficient at work. This podcast helps statisticians at all levels with and without management experience. It is targeted towards the health, but lots of topics will be important for the wider data scientists community.

by Alexander Schacht and Benjamin Piske, biometricians, statisticians and leaders in the pharma industry


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